Cleaning Guide - If you have paid for our cleaning service

Cleaning Guide - If you have paid for our cleaning service
  • Nov 4 2021

Paid-Clean Cleaning Guide

If you have paid for our cleaning service or booked your accommodation through a popular booking platform, we ask that you to do a few small things for hygiene and safety purposes. Below is a helpful guide for you to use to ensure these things are done.

Kitchen, Lounge, and Dining Areas
  • If your holiday home has a dishwasher, it would be helpful if you can turn it on before departing.
  • Unplug all electric blankets.
 Bathrooms, Toilets, and Laundry
  • Make sure all heated towel rails and underfloor heating is turned off.
  • Unplug washing machine and dryer if possible.
  • The cleaning service does not include the BBQ. Should you use the BBQ, please ensure it is left clean (there is a $30.00 fee for failing to do so). Please return the hired gas bottle to the office.
  • Return outdoor furniture and umbrella to the original storage place - normally the garage.
 Upon Departure
  • Lock all doors and windows and ensure the house is secure when departing.
  • Turn of all lights including outside.
  • Return keys to the lockbox.

Thank you kindly for tidying up after your stay. We hope you had a relaxing and enjoyable stay with us.

Nga Mihi,

The Hanmer Holiday Homes Team.

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