Commonly Found Critters

Commonly found critters in Hanmer Springs

As you are in an Alpine Village that is surrounded by woodland forests and waterways. This environment comes with an abundance of wildlife, so the occurrence of the below pests and critters is sometimes unavoidable. The best way to avoid any pests and critters bothering you during your stay is to avoid leaving any food or biodegradable materials out and uncovered, always turn off any unnecessary lights in your home when you are not using them and wipe all surfaces after use.

Protect yourself and your family by making sure you use repellent where necessary and seek medical attention if a serious reaction occurs.

Commonly found critters in Hanmer Springs

Burnt Pine Longhorn Beetle

Avoid leaving lights turned on in rooms at night and if you do, try and have windows closed to avoid them flying inside.

Bees and Wasps

Bees and Wasps

Bees are crucial to our primary sector, with a role far beyond honey production. Wasps are common in beech forests from January to March, particularly where honeydew is readily available. Avoid walking around outside barefoot and clear up food scraps and crumbs right away.

House Fly

House Fly

Keep food covered as much as possible and make sure you vacuum thoroughly on departure. Although our homes are inspected between tenancies, we cannot guarantee your home will be free from dead flies.

Sand Flies

If you get bitten by tiny black flies, it is likely that you have been bitten by sand flies (Namu in Maori). Insect repellent and citronella candles discourages them from coming near you. Make sure you keep all fruit and biodegradable food products covered as these attract sand flies.



Mice spend most of the year outside foraging for food in warm and dry places like woodsheds etc. When it is cold or unusually wet, mice may venture indoors and seek warm places such as under fridges and stoves. Please ensure all scraps and crumbs are cleared away.



The possum has a thick, bushy tail, a pointed snout and long, fox-like tapering ears. Please ensure all rubbish bins have their lids secured tightly and no food or biodegradable materials are left outside.

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